CAMFEBA Panel Discussion
21 February 2024
Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director of ING Law Office and CoGen HR, Management Academy, Consulting Group, Board of Directors, and Chairman of the HR Committee of EuroCham, attended the panel discussion held by CAMFEBA on February 21, 2024.
This CAMFEBA Annual Labour Forum gathered the representatives of almost 200 members in one room, presided over by H.E. HENG Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training. In addition, panellists and keynote speakers from the employee organisation, private sector, NSSF, ADB, DGTVET, SDF, SSC, and AC were invited to participate in the discussion.
The President of CAMFEBA, Oknha SOK Piseth, stated with pride in his welcome speech that the forum's goal was to inform and directly engage employers about the Royal Government's vision and strategic policies, with a particular emphasis on employment, social security, and vocational training. In cooperation with the Royal Government, it provided employers with a forum to actively participate, contribute, and improve the effectiveness of labour, social security, and vocational training policy implementation.
During the event, discussions focused on the labour, social security, and TVET sectors; strategic policies for 2024–2028; harmonising labour conditions and industrial relations; and promoting economic development.
Source: CAMFEBA Facebook Page