Meeting with the Ministry of Health
25 October 2023
Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director ING LAW and CoGen Consulting Group, EuroCham Board Member and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee attended the meeting with the Ministry of Health on October 25, 2023.
In order to meet with Minister H.E. Chheang Ra and his staff, the delegation went to the Ministry of Health. A major focus was consumer safety, with the need to stop parallel imports that may be harmful, particularly when it comes to baby formula and prescription drugs. Age limits on alcohol purchases, joint ventures to enhance nutrition, and illicit promotion and sampling of specific milk products that stifle competition were also covered.
There was also talk of collaborating to develop national nutrition guidelines and figure out how to make critical health services more accessible to the general public. The pharmaceutical sector is undoubtedly poised for expansion, particularly with the introduction of telemedicine. However, worries about illegal and counterfeit medications that are available without paying taxes and may endanger patients still exist.
Source: EuroCham Cambodia's Website