EuroCham & Ministry of Tourism Meeting
12 February 2024
Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director of ING Law Office and CoGen HR, Management Academy, and Consulting Group, Member of the EuroCham Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, attended the meeting between EuroCham Cambodia and the Ministry of Tourism on February 12, 2024.
On this occasion, EuroCham's Tourism and Hospitality Committee met with the Minister of Tourism, H.E. Sok Soken, and other representatives, and both sides emphasised how determined they were to collaborate in order to draw investors and tourists to Cambodia.
Executive Director Martin Brisson introduced the White Book 2024, Business Confidence Survey, and Advocacy Compass as resources for the Ministry's consideration after EuroCham Chairman Tassilo Brinzer gave opening remarks.
As stated in the White Book, Jacques Guichandut, Chairman of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee and Managing Director of All Dreams Cambodia, outlined the committee's initiatives and expressed their willingness to work with the government on new tourism investment sites and heritage building conservation.
Minister H.E. Sok Soken acknowledged the worries expressed by the private sector and emphasised the significance of continued industry collaboration for a resilient tourism sector. He enthusiastically embraced EuroCham's ongoing participation and especially urged them to join the Cambodia Tourism Board (CTB) after it was formally founded. Through building relationships with important markets, quickening the pace of tourism growth, and strengthening marketing efforts to advertise Cambodia as a travel destination, this board hopes to create a competitive, sustainable, and inclusive tourism sector.
Last but not least, Mr. Brinzer conveyed his appreciation for the government's initiatives to integrate the informal economy into the tourism sector and to internationalise the Cambodian market. He also praised the strategic plans of the new government and expressed excitement about future collaboration.
Source: EuroCham LinkedIn Page