03 November 2023
Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director ING LAW and CoGen Consulting Group, EuroCham Board Member and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, attended the meeting with the Ministry of Commerce on November 03, 2023.
On the table for discussion were methods for diversifying exports and increasing FDI, developing new trade policies and ensuring fair competition for companies that have to compete with grey market actors and parallel imports.
Following the Chairman's opening remarks, Executive Director Martin Brisson presented the MoC with the Business Confidence Survey, the Advocacy Compass, and the White Book 2024 as collaborative and useful tools. Services Coordinator Matthew Pocock spoke about the significance of creating trade policies that will help businesses grow, and Vice-Chairman of the Automotive Committee Kjeld Olsen spoke about the significance of dealing with unauthorized distributors in the sector.
The chairman of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Committee, Daren Ong, emphasized the significance of consumer protection in the industry. The chairman of the Digital & Technology Committee, Tomas PokornSy, spoke about the evolution of e-commerce in Cambodia. Finally, the chairman of the Garment & Manufacturing Committee, Emerald Am concluded by discussing the measures required to transform Cambodia into a more favourable sourcing destination.
Meetings to address some of the aforementioned concerns were scheduled in the future; this Friday's meeting is scheduled to address unauthorized imports in the automotive industry. We appreciate that H.E. Mrs. CHAM Nimul took the time to answer to all of our questions and demonstrated a genuine desire to collaborate in order to accomplish some of our common objectives.
Source: EuroCham Cambodia